My n8n keeps crashing

Hello, I saw that n8n desktop was discontinued, so I installed it on my computer via node.js npm install n8n -g. it opened normally on localhost 5678, I inserted my login and access password, I did a workflow with 10 nodes, but it hangs when executing the fourth node, after some time the browser informs that something went wrong and I have to reload the magic again. I tried several times and it keeps crashing

How can I do to not have this problem anymore?

Hey @Presley_Nunes_de_Men,

Do you have a screenshot of the error and does the console output show anything?

Sorry, I already managed to solve it, it was list node incompatibility.

I had created the workflow on n8n desktop version 1.6.0 and when I put it on npm localhost,5678 the list node crashed, so I deleted it and created it again on n8n 1.0.5 and it worked.

I ended up creating another topic with the same question and with the flow itself, because I thought this one had not been saved.


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