N8N API DOCS update - operationId

When adding the N8N API .YML file from:

to ChatGPT’s import API function.

You end up with:

path /audit, method post is missing operationId; skipping
In path /credentials, method post is missing operationId; skipping
In path /credentials/schema/{credentialTypeName}, method get is missing operationId; skipping
In path /executions, method get is missing operationId; skipping
In path /executions/{id}, method get is missing operationId; skipping
In path /executions/{id}, method delete is missing operationId; skipping
In path /workflows, method post is missing operationId; skipping
In path /workflows, method get is missing operationId; skipping
In path /workflows/{id}, method get is missing operationId; skipping
In path /workflows/{id}, method delete is missing operationId; skipping
In path /workflows/{id}, method put is missing operationId; skipping
In path /workflows/{id}/activate, method post is missing operationId; skipping
In path /workflows/{id}/deactivate, method post is missing operationId; skipping

Adding an **operationId** to each operation in your OpenAPI specification is a good practice, as it provides a unique identifier for each operation. This identifier can be used by tools and libraries to generate client code, documentation, and more. The operationId should be unique across all operations in your API.

That seems like a good idea, I have created a ticket to get this taken care of which we are tracking as N8N-7050


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