I’m doing some performance testing on N8N to find out what the limits are.
I’m running N8N in queue mode on a Kubernetes (GKE) with 2 workers and 2 webhook instances. Response times seem to be doing extremely well up until 30 requests / s (50ms response time). From there response time starts aggregating upwards. I tried increasing the amount of workers (and concurrency)/webhooks, but this doesn’t seem to decrease the speed of response time aggregation. I’m using a GKE provided ingress. The trigger is a simple GET Webhook.
The reason why I’m reaching out is to find out what is causing this increase in latency, and if there’s a way to overcome it. It’s purely from theoretical interests to understand up until where n8n can be considered to be a viable solution for integration.
I’ve benchmarked against edge functions to create a performance baseline for the api performance testing tool I’m using (apiDog), and I can confirm there’s no latency on their side.
See benchmark underneath.
Happy to hear any thoughts on the matter.