N8N executions show running flows that it supposed no are running

Describe the problem/error/question

I am running a work flow that run every 5 minutes. My issue is when I see running process on …/executions N8N shows many process that it appear are running, some times process that has 2 week running and that is not true. My process never take more than 5 minutes running and always finish… but N8N show that are running and I have to cancel manually…

What is the error message (if any)?

N8N shows running process that are not running…

Please share your workflow

(Select the nodes on your canvas and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow.)

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.68.1,
  • Database (default: SQLite): default
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): not sure, how can i find out?
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker
  • Operating system: Ubuntu