N8n with RabbitMQ secret engine for Hashicorp Vault


This makes it unfortunately complex.
1°) The creation of the new credentials will create id increments in the database. If you make new credentials several times a day, or even if you multiply the services, it will quickly become a problem in the database. (my credentials for rabbitmq change every hours and I use AMQP et MQTT so every hour there is 2 credentials, because I use diffrents credentials for each topic/exchange)
More some credentials can have à short TTL (in seconds).

2°) This requires a rather complex pipeline (I did it and tested it), but it is very heavy

3°) During the tests, it appears that the workflow enable fails. You have to go manually in the workflow with the new credentials, to refresh the workflow, so that the credentials are updated.

With the growing interest in security, key or password rotation mechanisms are becoming more and more important.
So I opened a suggestion in the forum to have an update of the API.

Thanks for your help and answers