Feature Requests
UI If there are any features in the Editor UI that you think are currently missing and you would like you can post them here. Members can then vote for them if they are also interested in them. It is then so possible to get a good idea which features should be implemented next. CLI If there are any features in the CLI that you think are currently missing and you would like you can post them here. Members can then vote for them if they are also interested in them. It is then so possible to get a good idea which features should be implemented next. Nodes If there are any nodes that you think are currently missing and you would like you can post them here. Members can then vote for them if they are also interested in them. It is then so possible to get a good idea which features should be implemented next. n8n.io - Website If there are any features on the n8n.io website that you think are currently missing and you would like you can post them here. Members can then vote for them if they are also interested in them. It is then so possible to get a good idea which features should be implemented next.