No access to adding community nodes

I have no visibility/access to add community nodes. I thought it was perhaps because I was on a trial so I upgraded and still when I go to Settings there is no tab for Community nodes.

What is the error message (if any)? - NONE

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: - 1.73.1 (Latest Beta)
  • Database (default: SQLite): - default? just using browser
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): - Cloud/Browser
  • Operating system: - Windows 11

Welcome to the community @AutoBridge !

Tip for sharing information

Pasting your n8n workflow

Ensure to copy your n8n workflow and paste it in the code block, that is in between the pairs of triple backticks, which also could be achieved by clicking </> (preformatted text) in the editor and pasting in your workflow.

<your workflow>

That implies to any JSON output you would like to share with us.

Make sure that you have removed any sensitive information from your workflow and include dummy or pinned data with it!

Community nodes are not allowed on n8n Cloud workspaces. You can install them on self-hosted n8n instances though.