Describe the issue/error/question
I’ve got a workflow that takes in some orders and each order has line items on it (in an array under SalesOrderDetails). I’m trying to upsert to my postgres sales_order_line_item table. The upsert works fine, but I also want to delete any rows that aren’t in the upsert.
At first I tried splitting the line items into separate items in n8n, but when I do that it just seems to delete everything that isn’t the most recent line item.
Then I tried leaving each sales order as an item and passing an array of SalesOrderDetails and I can’t get that to work with n8n at all, both when in the query and in queryparams.
What is the error message (if any)?
No error message if I do it as seperate items, just deletes everything but the most recent. If do it as a single item then I get object Object errors because it isn’t letting me pass in an array.
Please share the workflow
This is if I’m running it as separate items:
If I’m trying to pass it in as an array I try something like:
WITH data_to_insert AS (
(SELECT id FROM sales_order WHERE number = '{{ $json["SalesOrderNo"] }}') AS sales_order_id,
elems ->> 'SalesOrderRowQuantity' AS quantity,
elems ->> 'SalesOrderRowProductSKU' AS sku,
elems ->> 'SalesOrderRowDetailID' AS megaventory_id,
'GSO-201625' AS sales_order_number
FROM jsonb_array_elements('[{{ $json["SalesOrderDetails"] }}]'::jsonb) AS elems
Note I’ve tried it with and without manually adding the [] around $json[“SalesOrderDetails”]. Although $json[“SalesOrderDetails”] is an array, when passing it into a node it always passes in as a series of objects {}, {}, {} is then failed to be understood.
Information on your n8n setup
- n8n version: 0.233.1
- Database you’re using (default: SQLite):
- Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]:
- Running n8n via [Docker]: