OAuth 2.0 with Google Cloud Issues (Authetication Failure)

Problem/error/issue: Can connect google cloud APIs/OAuth 2.0 and workflow in self hosted instance of n8n. I have used the following documentation links:

And this post faced similar issues where it ended up being an n8n bug.

I have set all the credentials, scopes, added appropriate users, etc and I have attempted this across different google accounts several times. I do not know what is the issue with my inability to connect the workflow to the google cloud api via OAuth 2.0. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Error message: Authentication Failed

Workflow: Ask questions about a PDF using AI | n8n workflow template

**n8n version: 1.37.0

  • **Database (default: SQLite): default
  • **n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): default
  • **Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): running on Render as webapp, spun up from github fork
  • **Operating system: Render web service instance

This is the error I see after I sign in with the credentials
2024-04-12 15_12_40-Mozilla Firefox

hello @pookNast

Can you provide the exact error message you are getting from google?

Yes, updated original post with screen. Please check or let me know if there is something else I need to post.

I had to reinstall n8n using a docker image and got the OAuth configuration to work correctly. I could not get it to work with the image pull from the GitHub repo.

What image you talking about?