OAuth2 Options and Troubleshooting

This is the CURL connection for my Oauth request.

curl --request POST
–url https://token-manager.XXXX.com/oauth/token
–header ‘content-type: application/json’
–data ‘{“client_id”:“”,“client_secret”:“”,“audience”:“api://XXXX.client”,“grant_type”:“client_credentials”}’

I don’t see a way to add audience or grant_type to the body when using the grant type “Client Credentials”.

I’m getting an HTTP CODE EAUTH error, but there isn’t anything about the authorization in the console so I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this.

Hey @j0dan,

The grant type is set based on if you select Client Credentials or Authorization Code so that should be ok, The only that may be an issue is the audience which I assume is the client version of a scope.

At the moment we don’t have an option for this but I will get a feature request created so that we can allow more changes in a future release.

Out of interest what is the API you are connecting to?

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Pax8, a distributor of SaaS licensing.

Any update on this?

Hey @j0dan,

Nothing yet as this doesn’t appear to be a common case. Do Pax8 have public api docs?