Odoo JE - invalid move_id

HI guys,

I got stuck at creating a JE for Odoo. I cannot set any move_id value for a new JE. it shows either

Record does not exist or has been deleted. (Record: account.move(‘86’,), User: 2)


Database fetch misses ids ((‘85’,)) and has extra ids ((85,)), may be caused by a type incoherence in a previous request

not sure if I input a wrong value, set up a wrong syntax, or forgot any step in the process. Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @semighoti, I am sorry you’re having trouble.

Unfortunately I am not exactly familiar with Odoo, so can’t tell what exactly is expected in the move_id field (or what a JE is in the first place tbh).

These errors appear to be coming from Odoo, with n8n simply showing the respective response. Do you have the respective request working outside of n8n?

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Thanks @MutedJam I got a workaround for my issue already.

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