Password shows incorrect in digital ocean console

I am trying to create a server for my workflow.
When i try to open the console from digital ocean(not command prompt) it asks me for n8n login and password.
I put my email address the one i used when logged in to n8n account.
When i put the password it says incorrect.

Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank You.

Sorry do not understand. That does currently not make any sense. Can you please post a picture of how it looks like where it asks in DO for you n8n password. Thanks!

Thanks for the reply @jan
I am unable to login through the digital ocean console.
I wanna create a server for my n8n workflow , and i am following this guide to create one.
I am able to login to with the password i created but when i use the same credentials to login to n8n via digital ocean console, it gives ,me the error as shown in the image.

Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.

Do not know that tutorial but I would be surprised if the password would be the same (and they should not be the same!). They are two totally different things. Logging into your server itself is either possible via the root-password or the SSH-Key, depending on what you selected when you created it via the Digital Ocean website.