When I create a Pipedrive filter with the n8n http node it does create me an empty or better corrupt one in Pipedrive. Can’t delete it there or modify.
When I do exactly the same with the same API Token in make it works. Can you tell me whats the difference?
The differences only with the URL (expression vs fixed type) and body. But I bet the issue is with body. When it is set to expression mode, it should be wrapped into JSON.stringify method, like this:
As soon as I copy this HTTP module into the scenario I need it, it does create me the corrupt one also it has the same output JSON. When I use it in a simple scenario where only the trigger node is before it does work as expected.
I did also copy the node from the bigger scenario into a new workflow but also does create a corrupt filter in Pipedrive.
Does anyone has an Idea how this could happen? I do only use the credentials from previous trigger node. Nothing more and the node is just copied so has the same configuration.
I found the problem. I had to replace the Pipedrive module with the http module. Somehow the Pipedrive module did corrupt the filter. I don’t know why…
In that module I use the filter ID to get the Deals maybe that cause the problem.