POST request with multiple parameters


I try to make a post request with the HTTP node, and I would like to post data into body looking like:

    "data": {
        "mainInvoicingAddressStr": "Test API",
        "statusSelect": 1,
        "company": {
                "id": 1
        "salemanUser": {
            "id": 2

If I create one parameter for each line (so one parameter mainInvoicingAdressStr, one statusSelect etc) I have an error.
I think it is because body don’t start with “data”:{
And because of cascading parameter (sorry, I don’t know he english word) like:

"salemanUser": {
                "id": 2

If I understand correctly, you’re looking to reference the whole data object in the value of Body Parameters. n8n uses expressions to reference information from other nodes. Here is a mockup with the Function node.

ok, understood.
its works, thanks a lot.

Just adding to this subject
sometimes for an array the structure will be for example

“salemanUser”: [{
“id”: 2

added [ ] before and after {}