Postgres node not recognizing numbers as numbers

Trying out 1.74.1 atm and seems like the postgres node has a problem with numbers all of a sudden. Getting this a bunch:

Invalid input for 'numberCollumn' [item 0]

'numberCollumn' expects a number but we got '2'

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.74.1
  • Database (default: SQLite): Postgres
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker

Also getting the same error trying to update numerical data in airtable

Theres an option for that, output large format numbers as Numbers

So I have to change each of my postgres nodes to this?

Looked into this, my input number is {{ 10 }} and this setting does nothing. Also just tested on 1.74.3 and the issue persists

I’ve also had this error after the update, but for me it seemed that the postgres node earlier converted from text to number, but no longer does.

My errors where mostly solved with a .toNumber()

But I also had this error when trying to input an object into a jsonb, and it didn’t work. I solved that using the set/edit node before the postgres node, and used “map automatically” in the postgres node, then it worked (with the same object).