Problem loading local csv file

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Hi, I’m new to n8n and finding it very interesting and powerful tool but running into some very basic issues that I’m not finding answers to. I have a simple workflow that I want to open a CSV file and add to it based on the results from a HTTP retreiver. The issue is the Read/Write file node doesn’t seem to load the contents of the file, it just shows me the file name and location. I’ve tried linking this to a convert to csv node and have not had success.

I have it linked to an Extract from File node and don’t get any data in the output

If I have the Operation to Extract from Text File I can see the contents:

I then tried to convert it to CSV but the output seems to be emtpy:

Please share your workflow

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.74.3
  • Database (default: SQLite): Default
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): Manual
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): npm
  • Operating system: MacOSX 15.2

Welcome to the community @Joelh!

Seems to be working fine for me. I’m pretty sure the problem you have because the file saved to the disk is not in the correct format.

Did you save it with n8n workflow too? If so, then you likely did it wrong.

thanks so much for testing. This is very strange. I got the file by downloading from a google sheet. I just tested again with a file from Numbers saved as a CSV.

The contents of the file is just:

id,Threads,rate Limit,Rate Limit Remainining,Wait Time,

I also tried putting everything between quotes.

If I change the source type to text I can see the contents but nothing when csv is selected.

You mentioned the file might not be the right format. What would the correct format be for n8n?

Ok, well I guss I’m an idiot. I tested with a few other files and got it to work. I think one of my files had an extra comma (column) in it that was not in one of the rows. Anyway, thanks for the help, I’m moving forward now :slight_smile: