Problem Notion Update Node-n8n lost schema and credentials

Describe the problem/error/question

I’ve experienced several problems with Notion integration.
I think n8n have several problems with Notion API.
I published a questions few days ago but no answers related to same issue.
Now again this problem is really stopping me.
I shared my workflow, I am fetching information from Shopify and insert or update information to Notion.
When I was creating the insert flow, I had problems, because n8n lost the credentials and started to return errors, if I tried to set credentials again, I lost every single field already mapped, I mapped more than 20 fields, it was a really wasted of time.
Now I am working on the update scenario and start to experiment the same behavior.
I mapped the first 18 fields and then n8n start to fail.
Please help to fix this recurrent problem. I have to create more workflows but this behavior is a stopper.
What is the reliable workaround about this issue

What is the error message (if any)?

Please share your workflow

(Select the nodes on your canvas and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow.)

workflow with problem
Attached you’ll find the problem.
As you can see the field mapping is lost.

Share the output returned by the last node

    "id": "c1133951-9920-4308-b7fc-65d12991f637",
    "name": "5292",
    "url": "",
    "property_billing_city": "NA",
    "property_disccounts": 0,
    "property_sku": "BPBLSS008A,",
    "property_comissions": "0",
    "property_tax": 43.35,
    "property_costumer_ammount_of_orders": 738.45,
    "property_utm": "",
    "property_source_name": "pos",
    "property_month": "Enero 2024",
    "property_shipping_phone": "+52",
    "property_customer_id": 6901129511132,
    "property_billing_name": "",
    "property_shipping": 0,
    "property_shipping_address_1": "",
    "property_shipping_status": "NA",
    "property_shipping_reference": "",
    "property_billing_zip_code": 0,
    "property_billing_neighbor": "",
    "property_customer_full_name": "Marco Antonio Morales",
    "property_customer_phone_number": "+525543501087",
    "property_shipping_address_name": "NA",
    "property_shipping_city": "NA",
    "property_costumer_tags": "",
    "property_sub_total": 314.3,
    "property_updated_date": {
      "start": "2024-01-13T15:05:00.000-06:00",
      "end": null,
      "time_zone": null
    "property_shipping_company": "NA",
    "property_shipping_country": "NA",
    "property_order_tags": [
    "property_financial_status": "paid",
    "property_marketing_sms": "not_subscribed",
    "property_order_url": "",
    "property_payment_method": "Terminal BBVA",
    "property_customer_first_name": "Marco Antonio",
    "property_shipping_tracking_number": "NA",
    "property_order_id": 5580277907676,
    "property_discount_code": "",
    "property_shipping_address_2": "",
    "property_billing_state": "",
    "property_marketing_email": "not_subscribed",
    "property_items_qty": 1,
    "property_billing_address_2": "",
    "property_shipping_zip_code": 0,
    "property_customer_email": "[email protected]",
    "property_customer_last_name": "Morales",
    "property_shipping_method": "Popup Store",
    "property_created_date": {
      "start": "2024-01-13T15:05:00.000-06:00",
      "end": null,
      "time_zone": null
    "property_shipping_url_tracking": "https://NA",
    "property_billing_address_1": "",
    "property_shipping_neighbor": "",
    "property_utm_tracking": "/admin/api/unstable/checkouts.json",
    "property_billing_country": "NA",
    "property_billing_phone": "+52",
    "property_total": 314.3,
    "property_shopify_customers": [],
    "property_shipping_state": "NA",
    "property_returns": 0,
    "property_order_number": "5292"

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.31.1
  • Database (default: SQLite): None
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): main
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): cloud
  • Operating system: Windows 11, Chrome

hello @ingeniux

Well… that’s strange. Is the credentials disappeared or it unsets in hte node (like there is no credentials have been set before)?

I’ve just checked and resetting the credentials does not remove fields. But if you change the Operation or Resource then it does.

For so big amount of fileds the only thing I can advice is to use the HTTP Request node and make the request at you own (you can use the Notion credentials with it). As the Notion node is not able to map fields automaticaly plus it causes big performance impact (I guess the node tries to get the info for every field from the Notion).

Hi barn4k!
Thanks for your advice.
The behavior in the node is like you had not set the credentials.
I see every time you add a property to map, n8n fetch all fields again, so I suppose in some point the connection is lost and there’s no fields to add.
Also as you mentioned, after add several fields the process to add properties become extremely slow. Sometimes the page lost and send me an memory error. So I need to save my changes often.
I understand I can use http request node but in the case of Notion is very special with data types, that’s why I understand, Notion built-in node hide the most of complexity to send the data to Notion.

I realized if I clear the cache’s browser the Notion node load the fields again. But only let me add 2 more fields and they disappear again.
I think Notion node (update database page) lost the database pageId reference which I get in a previos node, by the way I getting the database page id from URL since if trying to getting from ID it doesn’t work, I think this is a bug from n8n.

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