Problem with retry Cannot destructure property 'lastNodeExecuted' of 'data.executionData.resultData' as it is undefined

Describe the problem/error/question

When trying to rerun a failed execution I’m getting a error I have not seen before and I’m not sure how to fix it

What is the error message (if any)?


Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.25.0

  • Database (default: SQLite):

  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):

  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): n8n cloud

  • Operating system: Windows

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Hey @manueltnc,

I have not seen that one before either but I have managed to reproduce it locally so I will get a dev ticket created so we can fix it.

Thank you! I just noticed this error this week also.
I’ll keep track of the post or if there is a public ticket to view let me know!

Hey @manueltnc,

We will pop a note on here once we have put a fix in.

Perfect, i have same issues.

I just upgraded from an earlier version and now I’m having this issue too.

So good news is the PR that fixed this (below) has been merged so this will be fixed in the next release.


Is this already released @Jon? I’m struggling with retries, I’m on version: Version 1.25.1
I don’t see anything that states this is live.

Hey @yukyo,

The change is merged and will be part of the next release, We typically release on a Wednesday so 1.27.0 will contain the fix for this.


Ok, thank you, @Jon; I guess it’s a part of the same issue, but just in case…

I have an error workflow that ingests logs to external tools and sends me a notification when something happens (when this workflow runs).

In some workflows, I have the Error workflow set up to the mentioned previously.

I found some notifications coming from my error workflow, but nothing exists on the N8N execution list; I can’t see any error from the original workflow…

In the previous versions, we had an issue where FAILED workflows were not showing up in the executions list; I don’t save SUCCEEDED workflows, and I’m wondering if that issue has come back again…

Thanks @Jon

Hey @yukyo,

That sounds like something different but it might be worth waiting for the next release as there are a bunch of fixes in it.

yeah same problem here so i leave this comment for notif fix version release. Thx

We have released 1.27.1 which contains a fix for this but we will be releasing 1.27.2 later today so hold off on the updates for now but the good news is the fix is in.

New version [email protected] got released which includes the GitHub PR 8480.

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I experience this issue

Cannot destructure property 'lastNodeExecuted' of 'data.executionData.resultData' as it is undefined

On version 1.26.0 (latest stable), as well.

I can confirm that switching to 1.27.2 (beta) fixes this issue. Thanks!

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