I am new to n8n and a want to replicate some worklfows I have seen on Youtube, but am stuck with the first node, a telegramm trigger
I created a telegram bot, and retrieved the api key. I created a node and added the credentials. The check with the credential was ok.
I first had bad request error messages , so I created a new container with the command
I thought that the problem would be solved by setting the option
start --tunnel
but honestly i have no idea what this tunnel is doing.
I use telegramm bots for my locl homeassistant and iobroker instances, and for these it works.
i have no idea how the communication flow is working here
No, not so far. I do not know enough about how this tunnel should work. In my opinion it should open a socket to the telegramm servers, so that the connection is initiated by n8n and not by telegramm. But i am not sure about this and where to find the relevant docs.
I now have a liitle better understanding of how this should wortk.
Basicvall n8n creates a webhook. When I check my telegram bot with the request https://api.telegram.org/bot/getWebhookinfo I see the webhook
The domain part of this url equals the tunnel url in my n8n instance.
But nothing else happens. I do not see any logs, nor do I receive my messages that I sent to the Bot.
May or may not be relevant, but it appears in my case I was suffering the same syptoms. However in closer inspection of the webhook created througth --tunnel it is the webhook that doesnt connect. Goes to 503 bad gateway timeout. I am guerssingh i have to solve that before anything that requires it will work. Maybe its the same for you guys?
I now have another message , after making a new install on a new machine.
in the logs of n8n i see the following
Waiting for tunnel …
Tunnel URL: https://blabla-blabla.hooks.n8n.cloud/
but then i see
connection refused: hooks.n8n.cloud:44517 (check your firewall settings)
i changed the port in the docker compose fie to pint externally to 5679, but I do not think that thos might be a problem