QuestDB Connection

I am a newbie and following this blog A low-code bitcoin ticker built with QuestDB and

However I get an error with the QuestDB nodes. I have added the QuestDB credentials but get this error “ERROR: connect ECONNREFUSED” when I try to execute the node.

I also created a new workflow to test it and also get the same error

I also created an external nodeJS app to test the QuestDB connection and it connects without any issues so Its not an issue with my docker image.

Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong?


Hey @KevinHunter!

Welcome to the community :sparkling_heart:

Are you using both n8n and QuestDB via Docker? If so, you will have to make sure that they share the same network. This will allow them to interact with each other.

Yes both are running in docker which im also new too. I will investigate setting up networks in docker.


If you’re familiar with Node.js (npm), you can start n8n using the command npx n8n start and continue running QuestDB in Docker.

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Thanks its working when using npx :slight_smile: I will investigate the docker approach later.

Thanks for the help


I successfully worked out the networking in Docker and have it working with both applications running in containers :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help