I simply wanted to ask you if you can create workflow templates by category and assign pre-defined templates to certain users and if you can add a person simply to modify a node that is in production
Unfortunately, this requires a bit of discovery work on your side though (you’d need to take a look at the existing n8n API responses and re-create them yourself).
I am not fully sure about the assignment part though - do you mean that certain users only have access to specified templates? This is not currently a functionality of the templates library I am afraid (unless you have your own n8n instance for reach user - in that case you can of course set different values for N8N_TEMPLATES_HOST on each instance).
@Internalit_Automatio this sounds like a feature request - if I understand correctly it sounds like you would like some functionality around being able to manage WF templates in an internal user context. If that’s the case, please do create a feature request for this and provide as much context as possible to your needs for the feature.