Questions about User Management system

I have a couple of questions about the new User Management System:

  1. Can an instance have multiple owners? if not, do you have a plan to implement this feature in near future?
  2. Can owner share workflows across multiple members? If not do you have a plan to implement it?


Hi @jellybean, right now only one owner is officially supported.

For sharing there are workarounds but they’d put your database in an unsupported state. @pemontto provided a great workflow to help with this which you can check out here:

As for plans to implement this: Yes, improvements to the user management functionality (and especially sharing of workflows/credentials) are on our to-do list. I don’t have an ETA though I am afraid.


Thank you very much for your answer.

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You’re most welcome, sorry I didn’t have any better news here

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No it’s totally okey.
Btw… If I share my owner user with a few people, can we login and work with n8n simultaneously?

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Yes, that’s no problem at all :+1:

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Just make sure that the people do not work on the same workflow at the same time. Because then they would overwrite the work of each other.

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