RabbitMQ trigger problem

Describe the problem/error/question

Hi, we have a very “stupid” workflow designed to read from RabbitMQ queue and call to an HTTP endpoint, but no matter what I do, the workflow cannot be activated because of an error:

“code”: 400,
“message”: “There was a problem activating the workflow: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘triggerResponses’)"”

I’ve tried with other queues and they work, so it must be something related to the messages in the queue. Those messages are “big” (about 4K) and they have a number of headers (like 32), in case it is related. Can you help me understand what is happening?

Thank you.

What is the error message (if any)?

Please share your workflow

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: → 1.34.2
  • Database (default: SQLite): → SQLite
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): → main
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): → docker
  • Operating system: - debian

Hello @jmalvarezf ,

Welcome to our Community forum!

Thanks for sharing the issue you are facing here with us.

I have read and reviewed your flow and I would like to share some points and asks/questions aiming to help us to narrow down the root cause of the matter.

  • If you use Chrome and then open the Developer tool and go to console. is there is further details in there? If so can you copy and paste it here for analyses? In order to open Developer tool you need to click on the 3 dots on the far right corner, then More tools => Developer Tools. Once it is opened, click on the tab console. Clean it to help focusing on the data from your test. I am interested in see it.

  • When you say you usde other queues, you meand you reconfigured the frist node Trigger by events to fetch data from a different queue? And I understood it worked. Can you fetch the file from RabbitMQ that potentially could be related to the issue(Considering the issue may be related to specific file(s))? Also, if you can fetch the full details of any error that is shown in the GUI, it can help us. TIA!

  • Does it work when you test the whole workflow instead of activate it?



Hi Flavio,

Thank you for your response!
In the console, I only see this:


The output of this command is the json I attached before. There is nothing more there that could be of assistance.
As for other queues, yes, you understood well, if I reconfigure it to another queue, it works. I am inclined to think that the issue may be related to the amount of data. It may well be that the data is not there yet when the trigger is activated or something similar.
If I click on “Test Workflow” instead of activate it, the workflow stays like this indefinitely:

I can’t share here the info of the event as it is sensible, but the json event is an array of 3 properties that are strings (and those strings are json inside too) and the headers are quite big.

Thanks again for the support,

Finally, it was a matter of some of the headers inside the event. They were very big and they seemed to interfere with n8n somehow. I corrected them (making them smaller in size) and now everything works.

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