RabbitMQ Trigger workflows fail when run manually but succeed when triggered

Describe the problem/error/question

I use the n8n in queue mode with the following settings:
1 main
1 postgresql
1 redis
1 rabbitmq
2 workers
Nginx Proxy Manager (reverse proxy)

I’m trying to set up a flow that uses a queue using rabbitMQ.
It happens that when trying to run rabbimq trigeer manually, it simply gives an error, spends some time gargling/rotating and in the end it gives an error.
However, if you activate the flow to execute automatically, the trigger works and reads all messages in the queue.
I appreciate any help

What is the error message (if any)?

Flow run manually:


After a long wait, the error appears

Error message
There was a problem with the RabbitMQ Trigger node “RabbitMQ Trigger” in workflow “xXs8nCtsov0y3mOE”: “Overwrite NodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteTriggerFunctions.emit function!”

(node:7) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 global:completed listeners added to [Queue]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
(node:7) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 global:failed listeners added to [Queue]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit

If you activate the flow for automatic execution, it executes the four messages in the queue without any errors

n8n execution logs
Started with job ID: 429 (Execution ID: 1204)
Started with job ID: 430 (Execution ID: 1205)
Started with job ID: 431 (Execution ID: 1206)
Started with job ID: 432 (Execution ID: 1207)

Please share your workflow

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 1.29.0
  • Database (default: SQLite): PostgreSQL
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): queue
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): docker
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04.4 (Jammy Jellyfish)

Hey @sidney27,

When running from the UI the main instance will try and make the connection instead of the workers, is it possible that the main instance isn’t able to reach rabbit on the network as it sounds like it is timing out trying to connect.

Thanks for the response, Jon.
The connection of the main instance with rabbitmq happens without problems, as shown in the image.
Any other ideas?

:thinking: Does it also fail if the workflow isn’t active?

Yes! If I disable the flow and run it manually it gives an error.
Now, if I activate the flow it runs automatically without fail.

I updated to the latest version 1.31.2 and the problem persists.

Would you be able to share the actual text rather than a screenshot and any debug log lines around it?

I do have an internal dev ticket created for the manual execution not working so this should be fixed soon.

These are the only lines I see
There was a problem with the RabbitMQ Trigger node “RabbitMQ Trigger” in workflow “YkqqGv4dcIjCFpGG”: “Overwrite NodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteTriggerFunctions.emit function!”
There was a problem with the RabbitMQ Trigger node “RabbitMQ Trigger” in workflow “YkqqGv4dcIjCFpGG”: “Overwrite NodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteTriggerFunctions.emit function!”

Hey @sidney27,

I have managed to reproduce this and have created a dev ticket to get it resolved in a future release.


Thanks, Jon.

Hi sidney… same error here… the only solution i found was use http request for debug… and the default rabbitmq node for production trigger…

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