Remove empty entries from html extract


I’ve got some empty entries (attachted picture red boxes) from my html extract, which I would like to remove. I tried an IF statement with string an null / NULL, but this doesn’t work.

How can i remove this entries? Thank you!


You can filter them out with a Function node:

return items.filter(i => i.json.title);

Should additionally also work totally fine with the IF-Node and “String → Is Empty”.

null / NULL will not work as title it is an empty string so "" and null !== "".

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Hey, i am jumping in this topic after the update of function node.
hello, i’ve tried that but with the new code Node it doesn’t work.
anyone have an update?

Both return items.filter(i => i.json.title); and return $input.all().filter(i => i.json.title); should work on the Code node. items requires min 0.202.0.

With which value i should replace title?