Reponse output


I try to setup a slack interaction using n8n but I struggle with the response.
It seem my output is always the input:

Did I miss something ?

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 0.227.1
  • Database: sqlite
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting: own, main
  • Running n8n via: docker
  • Operating system: debian

Hi @loranger, welcome to the community :tada:

This is the expected behaviour - the Respond to Webhook node would simply pass through the items it receives, so you can continue with your workflow afterwards if needed.

The reason you are (probably) also seeing this in response to any request sent to your endpoint is the configuration of your initial Webhook trigger node. You want to change the “Respond” option to “Using ‘Respond to Webhook’ Node”:

Afterwards, your request should be answered as it should:


Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Hi, is this a feature only for premium version? As I am using cloud starter and the respond option seems not to be there

Hey @Keep_Innovations, this should be available for everyone.

Are you perhaps looking at the Respond to Webhook node here rather than the Webhook node itself?

The Respond field is shown on your screenshot - does the dropdown not have the “Using ‘Respond to Webhook’ Node” option for you?

I am an idiot, sorry :rofl: Just saw it

Ah don’t say that, some options are quite well hidden on our nodes :see_no_evil:

Glad to hear you found it!

What could cause such an error for the webhooks, suddenly just started after changing the webhook settings?

“No JSON response\nAuthorization data is wrong!”

Hm, this sounds like a slightly different problem from what’s described in this thread.

Perhaps you can open a new thread with an example workflow using which your problem can be reproduced and a screenshot of the error?

It actually just started after I turned on the Respond to Webhook’ Node

So I assume this is an error in the tool you are calling your webhook from rather than an error in n8n itself?

My best guess is that your tool is expecting a specific response format that you are not currently sending. But without knowing what your workflow does, or exactly what response your tool expects, it is hard to say. If you could open a new thread and provide all the information necessary to reproduce and understand your problem, that’d be great.

Done. Already opened it. Its a bit odd as it was working since yesterday. Very strange

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