Self signed certificate

Hi @marcus @MutedJam

I have created new self sign certificate and added into product. Still I am getting the error regarding to self sign certificate. I am attaching the error.
Please suggest me how should I resolve this or any workaround this.


Hey @abhilash,

That looks to be expected, What happens if you toggle the “Ignore SSL Issues” option does that allow it to load?

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yes it is working if I ignore the ssl certificate

Hey @abhilash,

That is good news and sounds like the issue is solved, Let us know if you have any other questions about this one :+1:

Hi Team,

We would want our product to be using https and not have the Ignore SSL ON. Ideally we want help on fixing the root cause rather than ignoring SSL validations/verifications. We are using self-signed certificates and do not have CA issued certs at the moment.
We are not sure if that’s what is causing the trouble. It would be great if you could provide some insights on this. We can also get in a quick call if that works.


Hey @abhilash,

So you will be getting that error because the OS running n8n (I assume a container) doesn’t have the self signed certificate you are using in it’s trusted key store if you wanted to add your own CA used to sign the certificate to it you would need to create a custom docker image for your certificate.

In theory it should just be a case of adding your certificate or internal CA root certificate to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ then running update-ca-certificates as part of the image build process.