Hello all,
I have a form on my webflow page where users can upload at least one file and a maximum of 4 files. The uploaded files (and other details) are to be sent as an e-mail where the files are available as attachments. However, the files are only sent as attachments if a user uploads all 4 files. Since uploading multiple files is optional, the files that were sent should always be in the attachment, regardless of the number of uploaded files.
As soon as a file is missing during the upload, “ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE” is returned as output and the other files are removed from the workflow and only displayed as a link in the email.
This is my current workflow:
I am looking for something like this, but it did not work:
Is there a way to catch the error “ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE” in the http request and replace it with e.g a custom string, so the other attachments won’t get removed? Or maybe merge the attachments beforehand, as shown in the image?