Showcase September [Share Screenshot of your workflow]

This Workflow Generated 1000s of Redeemable Coupon Code for my SaaS in Less 1hr 30Mins.


I created this little workflow that automatically adds expenses to my Airtable. Hope I now don’t overspend :joy:


Time to add Twilio Node and Send it to your parents :rofl:

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Workflow to export the posts in this forum (e.g. so we can send a notification when a topic has gone too long without a response)


@sirdavidoff Your n8n has an update available :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

So this month the workflow I have found most useful isn’t one I have made and is one from the community stash…

This workflow calls the internal n8n APIs to export the workflows and save them to github providing a bit of versioning.

For one I have made… I recently updated my Sky Broadband package and because of this it took away my static IP which is a bit annoying. I use Namecheap for my domain and they have a URL you can hit to update DNS records so here is my workflow that updates my DNS records. It runs every 15 minutes and uses Airtable as a bit of a cache to store the last IP this stops it from constantly updating it, On a change it will let me know in Discord as well.


Thank you so much @Jon for sharing the n8n workflow backup thing.

It’ll be so useful.

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This is mine


Ransomware Victim Scraper and post to Wordpress

Including getting victim logos

Cyber Security IP and Hostname Enrichment

OCR from a file via Google Vision API

  • loads of others with variations, didn’t want to bore you.

@RedPacketSec you have come a long way! Nice looking workflows you have there :+1:


thanks, all the help from here has been super useful


Congratulations for your work

Is this latest google vision stream public?

can you share it?

I started a month ago here at N8N and this flow would help me understand a concept

It’s a custom http node. You’ll need to read the Google API docs

yes, but, it would give me an idea of ​​where to put each parameter.

oh, I see. You are asking if the flow has been published as a workflow? then no. I can look at doing that if you want.

It would help me, a lot, I’m wanting to create a flow that uses google vision and there are very few topics talking about it.

If I had a model of a Node, for me to base myself on, it would help a lot.

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My authentication is direct in the URL

I’m trying to grab an image straight at once from fetching binary file.

> {
>   "requests":[
>     {
>       "image":{
>         "source":{
>           "imageUri":
>             ""
>         }
>       },
>       "features":[
>         {
>           "type":"TEXT_DETECTION",
>           "maxResults":1
>         }
>       ]
>     }
>   ]
> }

and always returns this error below: