This Workflow Generated 1000s of Redeemable Coupon Code for my SaaS in Less 1hr 30Mins.
I created this little workflow that automatically adds expenses to my Airtable. Hope I now don’t overspend
Time to add Twilio Node and Send it to your parents
Workflow to export the posts in this forum (e.g. so we can send a notification when a topic has gone too long without a response)
@sirdavidoff Your n8n has an update available
So this month the workflow I have found most useful isn’t one I have made and is one from the community stash…
This workflow calls the internal n8n APIs to export the workflows and save them to github providing a bit of versioning.
For one I have made… I recently updated my Sky Broadband package and because of this it took away my static IP which is a bit annoying. I use Namecheap for my domain and they have a URL you can hit to update DNS records so here is my workflow that updates my DNS records. It runs every 15 minutes and uses Airtable as a bit of a cache to store the last IP this stops it from constantly updating it, On a change it will let me know in Discord as well.
Thank you so much @Jon for sharing the n8n workflow backup thing.
It’ll be so useful.
Ransomware Victim Scraper and post to Wordpress
Including getting victim logos
Cyber Security IP and Hostname Enrichment
OCR from a file via Google Vision API
- loads of others with variations, didn’t want to bore you.
@RedPacketSec you have come a long way! Nice looking workflows you have there
thanks, all the help from here has been super useful
Congratulations for your work
Is this latest google vision stream public?
can you share it?
I started a month ago here at N8N and this flow would help me understand a concept
It’s a custom http node. You’ll need to read the Google API docs
yes, but, it would give me an idea of where to put each parameter.
oh, I see. You are asking if the flow has been published as a workflow? then no. I can look at doing that if you want.
It would help me, a lot, I’m wanting to create a flow that uses google vision and there are very few topics talking about it.
If I had a model of a Node, for me to base myself on, it would help a lot.
My authentication is direct in the URL
I’m trying to grab an image straight at once from fetching binary file.
> {
> "requests":[
> {
> "image":{
> "source":{
> "imageUri":
> ""
> }
> },
> "features":[
> {
> "type":"TEXT_DETECTION",
> "maxResults":1
> }
> ]
> }
> ]
> }
and always returns this error below: