Some Notion questions around setting the page icon and Notion Trigger node issues?

Hi, really excited to see the Notion nodes added and had a few related questions:

  1. Is there a way to set the icon property for the page / database item? There seems to be an “icon” property returned when disabling the Simple option but I can’t figure out how to set it? Tried “Icon|URL” but that doesn’t work.

  1. Similar to Notion trigger doesn't work · Issue #1995 · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub I can’t seem to get the database dropdown list for the Notion Trigger node to work. It gives me the same “Cannot read property of ‘plain_text’ of undefined” error. Entering the database id seems to work although I still have an error alert.

  1. Lastly, not specifically related to n8n as much as Notion, but do you know if it’s possible to set the content of the page to contents of a website/URL, similar to how the Notion Web Clipper works? I tried copy/pasting the html source but that didn’t work too well :slight_smile:


Does the name of the property load when trying to set the fields? is it a type URL?

There are some types of fields (rollup and files) that we currently do not handle when the parameter simple is set to true.

  1. Similar to Notion trigger doesn't work · Issue #1995 · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub I can’t seem to get the database dropdown list for the Notion Trigger node to work. It gives me the same “Cannot read property of ‘plain_text’ of undefined” error. Entering the database id seems to work although I still have an error alert.

Just fixed it. We will let you know when it’s released. I had fixed this before but just on the regular node.

  1. Lastly, not specifically related to n8n as much as Notion, but do you know if it’s possible to set the content of the page to contents of a website/URL, similar to how the Notion Web Clipper works? I tried copy/pasting the html source but that didn’t work too well :slight_smile:

Not sure if this is possible. Perhaps @harshil1712 has a better insight here.

Hi @RicardoE105, thx for the quick response!!

  1. Looking a bit deeper it looks like they recently added support for setting the page icon and cover in the create a page endpoint which has an icon property for the page which is a json File object of type file.

Seems like they’re looking for something like:

"icon": {
        "type": "external",
        "external": {
            "url": "https://website.domain/images/image.png"

although I’m not a dev so I’m just guessing :slight_smile:

  1. Amazing, tku :pray:

  2. Thx for shouting out!

Ahh, that is a field type file. I’m almost done adding support for it. Hopefully will finish it this week.

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Amazing, thx again!!

Hey @s.newave,

Can you please give more context on Notion Web Clipper? Do you want to add HTML content of a web-page to a Notion Page?

Hi @harshil1712, Notion’s Web Clipper is a browser extension that allows you to save a url, and its page contents, to Notion.

What I’m trying to do is create an automated web clipper using n8n that adds any new additions to some RSS feeds to Notion and capture the url contents as if I did it with the web clipper.

I’ve currently got everything working great except for saving the page contents. I tried viewing/copying the page source from a url I was saving and pasting it directly into Notion but that didn’t work too well :sweat_smile:

Hey @s.newave,

Thanks for helping me understand it! To add the content to Notion, you would have to add it as a Markdown instead of HTML. So before adding the content, you will need a node that converts the HTML to Markdown.

I’ve been working on an API that just does that - converts HTML to Markdown. If you wanna try that out let me know :slight_smile:

Sure, I’m up for trying it out!

PR 2197 got released with [email protected]