Split in Batches - only running 6 times?

Describe the issue/error/question

I’m trying to get a list of accounts, and then a list of contacts for each account.

I need to use Split in Batches otherwise I get errors… The problem is Split in Batches is only running 6 times, even though the input is 23 account. any ideas? (it’s running in batches of 1).

Probably related, I have an IF node checking if the cycle is complete, and it never goes to true.

Here’s a screenshot so you can see the input counts:

Please share the workflow

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 0.209.3
  • Database you’re using (default: SQLite):
  • Running n8n with the execution process [own(default), main]:
  • Running n8n via [Docker, npm, n8n.cloud, desktop app]: Docker

And I figured it out…

BMS_GetContacts was returning an account with no contacts, so it was stopping. I inserted an IF node to handle, and all is good!

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