SpreadsheetFile rearrange result


Just one question on the spreadsheet node.
Is there a way to increase the quality of the way the results are shown or it depenses of the json?
For exemple :

It would be better to have something like

Thanks a lot

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  • n8n version:
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  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
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@herrT15 , to get the output depicted in the 2nd image the output in the node that feeds the data into the Spreadsheet node should look like this

    "IP": "...",
    "continentCode": "...",
    "continentName": "...",
    "countryCode": "...",
    "countryName": "..."
    "IP": "...",
    "continentCode": "...",
    "continentName": "...",
    "countryCode": "...",
    "countryName": "..."

Each property name represents the column, and each item in the array is a spreadsheet row.

Thanks. My json looks like




“continentName”:“North America”,


“countryName”:“United States”,



“city”:“Mountain View”









“city”:“South Brisbane”




“continentName”:“North America”,


“countryName”:“United States”,



“city”:“Mountain View”




i will try with itemlist

@herrT15 ,

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