Strange Error when looping the HTTP Request

I have make this workflow to create contact in lexoffice using http request from all the contacts i have in hubspot. But it seems the http request not working as it should be. its only created 1 contact, even i have more than 1 contact. i have try to do this using code based. And it seems, if i use map function it doesnt work, but if i using for loop it is working fine. it is really strange error. Maybe in n8n using map function for looping in this case? Is there any way to do for loop?

What is the error message (if any)?

ERROR: UNKNOWN ERROR - check the detailed error for more information

the workflow

the output returned by the last node

"Nabil Akbarazzima",

Information on your n8n setup

  • Running n8n via [Docker]:

Hi @nfatihwmf, welcome to the community!

The HTTP Request node should run for each incoming item. So, if you pass on three items to the node it should send out three requests.

I tried running the below workflow based on your example data:

This worked fine for me, the HTTP Request node threw no error and the server received three separate requests:

Could you perhaps confirm which error exactly are getting (you should usually be able to expand the details by clicking the Details link in the node details view) and which version of n8n you are running?