Hey there everyone,
since 9.00 am this morning some issues occurred on our n8n setup.
Before consulting a freelancer / whatever … your advice would be helpful as it happened out of nowhere to smoothly flowing workflows.
Describe the problem/error/question
- Over 10-20 workflows we use “execute workflow”-nodes to jump to this one:
- It takes a section name from the mother workflow and moves an asana task to that section
- Mother-WF = ‘Section A’ ; Sub-Worklow = actually moves task to section A
- now this sub-wf stopped working, though it’d been running for months
- Problematic is a custom code node:
let items = $items(“Input”);
let target_section_name = items[0].json.target_section_name;
for (const item of $input.all()) {
item.json.data = item.json.data.filter(d => d.name.trim().toLowerCase() === target_section_name.trim().toLowerCase() );
return $input.all();
- So how do we get that running again?
What is the error message (if any)?
Cannot assign to read only property ‘name’ of object ‘Error: Referenced node is unexecuted’
Please share your workflow
Share the output returned by the last node
- at least that’s the output from the main workflow
- [{“data”: {},
“target_section_name”: “Content Beschaffung 🕵🏼♀️”,
“gid”: 1209248935965501,
“resource_type”: “task”}]
Information on your n8n setup
- n8n version: => just the saas, nothing self hosted