Hello, I have created a Google drive to Supabase Vector DB connection so I can then query my documents and it works. In order to input data into the db I need to embed it using OpenAI or another provider. I got it working and when I import a document into my google drive it will then store it in my vector DB.
I created my vector DB using the Supabase vector Quickstart (from the documentation) which creates the columns: id, content, metadata and embedding. I can then query the db and have it return results.
My question is
- If I wanted to add an additional column to the db, how can I add it and then make it searchable as well? I had tried creating an additional column with a text field in Supabase and it is not searchable
- Would this be done in Extract from Text Action? Or would I need to modify the Query Name of match_documents?
Just curious to get a better understanding of where to look as documentation is sparse around it so any advice someone could give would be greatly appreciated!