Hello everyone!
I’ve been created a tags organization to manage my workflows. I’m new in n8n and I want to share with you to know what are you think about that?
I’ve a ticket system called GLPI. This system has a “complex” API and there are no n8n node.
I created some tags and I’m using like folders/namespace to improve the organization of my integrations.
GLPI\Helper\Globals\Connection - This is a workflow that use app-key and create a session to be used into workflows.
GLPI\Helper\DataModel\TicketModel - Make a lot http_requests and create objects with all the tickets information
GLPI\Helper\Controler\TicketControler - make http_request to create, update and close tickets
GLPI\Helper\Utils\ConsultarChamado - Use TicketModel to return all tickets information by id
GLPI\Jobs\OpenExternalTicket - Schudle WorkFlow that get specific tasks into GLPI and create takst into external system
GLPI\Jobs\UpdateExternalTicket - Schudle WorkFlow that get external tasks and update into GLPI
GLPI\Live\CloseTicket - Webhook that allow an external system to close tickets.
GLPI\Web\Reports\PrintersReport - Create/update informations under PrintersReport
GLPI\Web\Forms\SupliesRequest - WorkFlow that process form and create tickets under GLPI and external system
\Helper\Globals To store common data used by workflows
\Helper\DataModel To simplify data structure
\Helper\Controler To use DataModels and make somethink with than
\Helper\Utils To store workflows that are used to do ‘thinks’ rsrs
\Jobs To store schudleds workflows
\Live To store external webhooks
\Web\Reports To store workflows that create/update reports
\Web\Forms To store workflows that create html forms
What are you think about it?