Telegram Node Error connect ETIMEDOUT

Describe the problem/error/question

I haved 2 n8n installation with same web server and config (Nothing different from firewall etc):

  1. n8n version 1.42.1 > No problem
  2. n8n version 1.46.0 > Upgrade from 1.44.1 and this is the error show only on Telegram node

I already downgrade but this error always show up so i hope i can get some information why this happening and maybe there is solution to fix it

What is the error message (if any)?

Telegram node


Please share your workflow

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • **n8n version: 1.45.1
  • **Database (default: SQLite): SQlite
  • **n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): main
  • **Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Docker
  • **Operating system: Ubuntu - Openlitespeed
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Hi @tridi, thanks for sharing that. We’ve seen a few mentions in the past about timeout issues around Telegram. Often it seems like it has been a configuration issue, but if you are running two installations simultaneously with identical configurations other than the version then that might point to something different.

That said, there was no work specifically on the Telegram node in 1.46 version, but there was one change done that was included in 1.43 (feat(Telegram Node): Add support for local bot api server by ddzobov · Pull Request #8437 · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub)

You said your second instance was upgraded from 1.44.1 - did you encounter this issue prior to the upgrade to 1.46 at any time?

If not, have you seen timeouts occurring with other nodes on your 1.46 instance?

This should help us understand if the issue is due to configuration, the change released in 1.43, or a later change made that would impact more nodes than just Telegram.

hi thanks for the response @Ludwig

Previously, I upgraded to version 1.42.2 first because I saw on another thread about a similar issue but it applied to the majority of nodes whereas I only had credential errors on the Telegram node.

However, because the error persisted in version 1.42.2, I tried upgrading again to version 1.46.0 and the result was the same, which is an error when adding credentials to the Telegram node and there were no similar errors in other nodes that I use most often such as Jira, Trello, HTTP request (Only error for telegram API), Facebook Graph, WordPress, and others.

I have also tried a new n8n installation and the result remains the same if the version is set to “latest” or above version “1.42.1” so the current solution is only safe if I install on version 1.42.1. Unfortunately, this does not apply to installations that have already experienced errors because even though I have already deleted the old Docker image, the error still persists. So, the solution is to only backup the workflow and temporarily move it to a new installation in version 1.42.1.

This my screenshot for my fresh n8n instalation without error on version Release [email protected] · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub

continue on this thread if anyone else have this problem to find the solution from @netroy and thanks to @Ludwig for the response and follow up for this issue


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