I’ve been trying a lot of options to make it work, but it looks like n8n doesn’t receive the messages that I send to the telegram bot, they keep pending.
Here is the pending_update_count curl command saying that they keep pending:
C:\Users\klepto>curl https://api.telegram.org/botMY_BOT_TOKEN_G/getWebhookInfo
{"ok":true,"result":{"url":"a normal webhook url generated by n8n tunnel","has_custom_certificate":false,"pending_update_count":59,"max_connections":40,"ip_address":"hmm"}}
It shouldn’t because I tried to delete all n8n files and start from 0 creating an owner account, etc. I only have one workflow and one telegram trigger
But you gave me an idea: Try to create a new bot with BotFather.
Solved, in windows 10, I installed ngrok with npm install ngrok then I entered the command ngrok http 5678. After that, I changed the variable WEBHOOK_URL with the command set WEBHOOK_URL=https://abdcef12345.ngrok-free.app and finally entered n8n command to start n8n and now detects the messages