Telegram Wait and Response as ai agent tool

Hey all I know I’m still new to n8n but I’m into tech and this is just confusing me.

For context I’m probably doing the setup wrong so if there is an easier way please let me know. Im trying to get a workflow that takes the gmail email received trigger and take that email and organize it off some rules. For testing I just did if its an advertisement add the trash label if it has something to do with money label it personal. If the rules don’t apply ask the user for clarification. Then send the user a report of what you did.

Now the error I’m having is with the telegram wait and response trigger. It works fine as its own node but when I add it as a tool for an ai agent it breaks and gives me a no response needed when clicking the Webhook.


Information on your n8n setp

  • n8n version: Version: 1.77.3
  • Database (default: SQLite): Default
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): Default
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): Probably Docker
  • Operating system: ??
  • It’s posted on repocloud.

I’m sorry if this makes me look stupid I’m new to n8n but love tech and ai and am still learning please let me know if you can get the wait and respond working. Thanks in advance.

This is still broken I updated to 1.78.1.