I want to create a webhook to n8n that gets fired with every new row that got created in baserow.
But somehow it is not working.
(I tested a make-webhook and that one worked. )
Can you restart your n8n container I suspect the tunnel connection crashed and you have a new URL now. I would also advise against using the tunnel if you are trying to use n8n for more than just testing.
(What is the alternative to a tunnel, if I want that n8n is still running although my computer is offline? n8n should be independent from the online-/offline-status of my computer.)
Baserow won’t be able to reach n8n on localhost unless you have both n8n and baserow running on the same machine and not in a container.
As you are using docker you will need to configure the docker networking to allow both containers to talk to each other, Depending on your current configuration it could be as easy as just pointing the Baserow webhook to