There was a problem stopping the execution


My scenarios are executed without any error when they’re active and have a trigger such as a webhook.

However none of my scenarios can be executed manually. They don’t output any data. When I click on “execute workflow” while it’s inactive for test purposes, it says “executing workflow” and then nothing happens (it’s a basic HTTP request in my case)

And when I click on “Stop”, I get an error everytime saying :

Screenshot 2020-11-17 at 09.05.43

You can try:

  1. Go in the workflow settings and set “Save Manual Executions” to “true”
  2. Execute the workflow manually
  3. Check in “Executions” if it does show up there
  4. If it does, open it and look if it worked fine

Then please report back here what happened.

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Thanks Jan.

I can see the execution as a success in the “Executions” modal and the data is correct.

But the workflow is still marked as “Executing” in the scenario editing window. And when I try to stop it I still get an error " There was a problem stopping the execuction:
The execution id “25” could not be found."

It’s not possible to see the output data directly in the HTTP module window when testing ?! We always have to stop with the error still showing and then going to “Executions” to see what happened ?

That is what I expected but sadly no idea why this is happening. Sounds to me like some kind of network issue that the n8n backend can not communicate correctly with the frontend. I would assume that it either has to do with a firewall or with some wrong configuration. Like a reverse proxy in front on n8n that is not configured correctly to work with Event Source.

Hope that helps!

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A similar error is repeated when using the HTTP request node. The question is - can the execution of the node be wrapped in a hypothetical “Try-Catch” node? My workflow uses a kafka trigger and there is a problem in the uninterrupted receipt of information when an error occurs in the HTTP request node.

Hey @1113!

Welcome to the community :tada:

May I know if you’re using the latest version of n8n? We fixed a few issues regarding this. Also, if you can more information about your workflow this would help us more :slight_smile:

Do you want to continue with your workflow even if the HTTP Request gives an error? If the answer is yes. In the Settings tab of the node, toggle Continue on Fail to true. This will continue the execution if the node gives an error.

I had this same issue and after a lot of debugging understood that its related to the reverse proxy which is nginx in my case.

So n8n dashboard uses eventream to send data from server to browser, which was breaking due to misconfiuration in the nginx config.

Just use this solution provided in this StackOverflow answer and should work

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