[UI] - ClickUp Node Time Opening


ClickUp Node time opening in UI is horrible ~10 seconds (at least for me) when other nodes opening instantly (ie. baserow, if, httprequest, nodop)

I can’t upload video here to show you this.

Information on your n8n setup

  • 0.178.2
  • SQLite
  • Docker

Hi @rafuru, I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble here.

I just gave this a quick go using n8n version 0.178.2 but didn’t have any trouble with opening this node:

Recording 2022-06-02 at 10.12.36

Is there a chance there simply is a large amount of data associated with this node that takes a while to render in the UI?

I created a ticket here → ClickUp Node Time Opening in UI ~10 sec · Issue #3416 · n8n-io/n8n · GitHub
There is a video + workflow you can view.

Thanks so much @rafuru, using your example workflow I could reproduce the problem too. I shall add this to our internal bug tracker for a closer look.

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