Use data from a binary json file


I am getting a json via a webhook with a binary (json) file that contains folloing data. I have tried to read that from the binary file but without success. How can i make use of the data in the binary json file.

{ “TriggerEvent”:"*PE 651_011df_XI xx1 RUNNING On 26.10.2020 22:51:02", “UTCOFFSETHOUR”:2, “UTCOFFSETMINUTE”:0, “GUID”: “{18A62DB5-83CE-4AD7-AA5B-CE4FA8B6C857}”, “Created”: { “$date”: “2020-10-26T20:51:02.439” }, “Modified”: { “$date”: “2020-10-26T20:51:02.439” }, “ReportType”: “AlarmEvent”, “xx”: “23245678”, “Accepted”: true}]

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What do you mean with “How can i make use of the data in the binary json file.”?

I recives the json as a binary and not as a body, I still want to be able to use the data as it would be in body. Meaning using the values in next node .

I hope you understand what I mean

I managed to achieve it trough move binary data.

Kind regards

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Hey @Mattias_Larsson,

Can you please share your wokflow ? I am also trying to get data from a binary file.
