Use JSON array or object values as inputs for HTTP node

I have an API returning a JSON with values I want to use as inputs for an HTTP request node.

  "0": {
    "neq": 1142153841
  "1": {
    "neq": 1142153858
  "2": {
    "neq": 1142153882
  "3": {
    "neq": 1142153890

The HTTP request needs to use one neq per-request. What I want my node to do is loop over all these values for the neq key until there aren’t any more of them.

Basically, I need to be able to use each of the values in my JSON response for the neq key as a variable for my HTTP node.

Basic schema

For each neq, do HTTP request with neq as input from the previous HTTP request response

What I have right now

"Texte":"{{$node["Fetch neq list"].json["0"]["neq"]}}",

It only takes the values inside the 0 primary key, but I want it to accept each separated values for neq as my input.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions if I wasn’t clear enough.

P.S: I can modify the JSON format, and the JSON output example I’ve included has been reduced, for example purposes.


It would basically need to be like this to be usable

"neq": 1142153841
"neq": 1142153858
"neq": 1142153882

Found the Item list node.