Webhhook POST trigger does not work


The POST request trigger does not work on my n8n installation. When I try to do POST request with Postman to the following url, I get the following error “You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.”

I have set the WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL to https://n8n.domain.com/

Next to that I am using Traefik and Docker for my n8n installation.

Does anybody now how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: formatting

Welcome to the community @Hessel_Tjeerdsma!

Did you follow this guide to set up n8n?

Hi Jan,

Thanks for quick reply. I do not know how, but your reply made me realize what the issue was. I had an external SSO service in front of n8n, therefore the GET worked in my browser but the POST did not in Postman.

Hats of this level of magical debugging! :wink:
(and sorry to waste your time)

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Happy to hear that it works now!

Have fun!