Webhook URLs where to configure?

I installed on a virtual server and cannot catch webhook from another service. I understand that you need to send to this URL. But this URL is not related to my server where n8n is installed. How to change this URL?

The specific thing to change that URL would be the environment variable WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL:

To however have n8n run properly and securely you should follow this guide or at least set everything up the same way:

Another thing about webhooks. You have to make sure that your workflow is saved. As long as the workflow is not saved webhooks do not work as the workflow-id is part of the webhook URL.

Thanks! Yes I understand. Now I’ll try to configure, I’ll give an answer a little later.

And where on the server do you need to configure this? Could not find.

It is a simple environment variable. That will be different depending on your system and how you did set up n8n.

Hi, do I have to change the default port to the reverse port it uses (43) ? Is this something I change in the docker file, because the default is set to 5678

Hi @Erico_Di_Teodoro, welcome to the community!

It’d be great if you could open new threads going forward instead of re-opening old topics last updated several years ago. n8n has changed a lot, so it can lead to confusion mixing very old and new information.

When using a reverse proxy you can configure the public URL through the WEBHOOK_URL environment variable. This is documented here: Configuration methods | n8n Docs

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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