Webhook was working before Version 1 in Docker with new update webhooks are not working as URL is showing localhost

Describe the problem/error/question

Before new version update 1 I was on 0.something version. In docker mode. My webhooks were working fine. Now with new update I’m on version 1.1.1 and now in my webhooks I’m unable to use my domain name. I have add WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL in my .env variables file that I’m using in my docker-compose.yml file. And when echo WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL inside docker container I can get the correct URL that is https://subdomain.domain.xyz

What is the error message (if any)?

Below are the errors I’m getting inside my docker container
[root@vultr n8n]# docker logs n8n
UserSettings were generated and saved to: /home/node/.n8n/config
2023-08-14T18:55:27.325Z | debug | Lazy Loading credentials and nodes from n8n-nodes-base “{\n credentials: 320,\n nodes: 431,\n file: ‘DirectoryLoader.js’,\n function: ‘loadAll’\n}”
n8n ready on, port 5678
2023-08-14T18:55:27.605Z | info | Initializing n8n process “{ file: ‘start.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:27.607Z | debug | [license] initializing for deviceFingerprint b89895f2979b56b7399a4ac6cf92473e6d1e233e6bc5975be040034c7f2cf1f7 “{ file: ‘LicenseManager.js’, function: ‘log’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:28.058Z | error | n8n detected that some packages are missing. For more information, visit Troubleshooting | n8n Docs “{ file: ‘start.js’, function: ‘run’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:28.059Z | info | Attempting to reinstall missing packages “{\n missingPackages: Set(2) {\n { packageName: ‘n8n-nodes-browserless’, version: ‘0.5.2’ },\n {\n packageName: ‘@ilhamakbarki/n8n-nodes-gohighlevel’,\n version: ‘1.0.0’\n }\n },\n file: ‘start.js’,\n function: ‘run’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:30.915Z | debug | Loaded all credentials and nodes from n8n-nodes-browserless “{\n credentials: 1,\n nodes: 1,\n file: ‘DirectoryLoader.js’,\n function: ‘loadAll’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:33.718Z | debug | Loaded all credentials and nodes from @ilhamakbarki/n8n-nodes-gohighlevel “{\n credentials: 1,\n nodes: 1,\n file: ‘DirectoryLoader.js’,\n function: ‘loadAll’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:33.861Z | info | Packages reinstalled successfully. Resuming regular initialization. “{ file: ‘start.js’, function: ‘run’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:33.862Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.041Z | debug | No key pair files found, generating new pair “{\n file: ‘sourceControlPreferences.service.ee.js’,\n function: ‘setPreferences’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.131Z | debug | Initializing event bus… “{ file: ‘MessageEventBus.js’, function: ‘initialize’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.142Z | debug | Initializing event writer “{ file: ‘MessageEventBus.js’, function: ‘initialize’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.158Z | debug | Checking for unsent event messages “{ file: ‘MessageEventBus.js’, function: ‘initialize’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.159Z | debug | Start logging into /home/node/.n8n/n8nEventLog.log “{ file: ‘MessageEventBus.js’, function: ‘initialize’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.159Z | debug | MessageEventBus initialized “{ file: ‘MessageEventBus.js’, function: ‘initialize’ }”
Version: 1.1.1
2023-08-14T18:55:36.200Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T18:55:36.202Z [Rudder] debug: batch size is 1
2023-08-14T18:55:36.208Z [Rudder] debug: no existing flush timer, creating new one
2023-08-14T18:55:36.304Z | info | ================================ “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.305Z | info | Start Active Workflows: “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.305Z | info | ================================ “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.305Z | info | - Google Lead Forms (ID: 2) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.313Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “Google Lead Forms” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘Google Lead Forms’,\n workflowId: ‘2’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.413Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “Google Lead Forms” “{\n workflowName: ‘Google Lead Forms’,\n workflowId: ‘2’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.413Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.414Z | info | - LevelUp New Accounts (ID: 4) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.414Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:36.847Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.114Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.235Z | info | => ERROR: Workflow could not be activated on first try, keep on trying if not an auth issue “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.235Z | info | Bad request - please check your parameters “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.242Z | error | Issue on initial workflow activation try “LevelUp New Accounts” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.243Z | info | - Drip Hawaii Applications to Drive (ID: 9) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.243Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “Drip Hawaii Applications to Drive” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘Drip Hawaii Applications to Drive’,\n workflowId: ‘9’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.402Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “Drip Hawaii Applications to Drive” “{\n workflowName: ‘Drip Hawaii Applications to Drive’,\n workflowId: ‘9’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.403Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.403Z | info | - Create New User (ID: 12) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.403Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “Create New User” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘Create New User’,\n workflowId: ‘12’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.409Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “Create New User” “{\n workflowName: ‘Create New User’,\n workflowId: ‘12’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.409Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.409Z | info | - Pueo Plumbing Form → GHL (ID: 14) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.410Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “Pueo Plumbing Form → GHL” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘Pueo Plumbing Form → GHL’,\n workflowId: ‘14’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.418Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “Pueo Plumbing Form → GHL” “{\n workflowName: ‘Pueo Plumbing Form → GHL’,\n workflowId: ‘14’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.418Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.418Z | info | - Pueo Google Ads → LevelUp (ID: 15) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.419Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “Pueo Google Ads → LevelUp” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘Pueo Google Ads → LevelUp’,\n workflowId: ‘15’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.424Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “Pueo Google Ads → LevelUp” “{\n workflowName: ‘Pueo Google Ads → LevelUp’,\n workflowId: ‘15’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.424Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.424Z | info | - Esera - Fluent Forms Volunteers (ID: 17) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.424Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “Esera - Fluent Forms Volunteers” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘Esera - Fluent Forms Volunteers’,\n workflowId: ‘17’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.429Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “Esera - Fluent Forms Volunteers” “{\n workflowName: ‘Esera - Fluent Forms Volunteers’,\n workflowId: ‘17’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.429Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.430Z | info | - Esera - Act Blue → LevelUp (ID: 20) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.430Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “Esera - Act Blue → LevelUp” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘Esera - Act Blue → LevelUp’,\n workflowId: ‘20’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.435Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “Esera - Act Blue → LevelUp” “{\n workflowName: ‘Esera - Act Blue → LevelUp’,\n workflowId: ‘20’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.435Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.435Z | info | - Ohana FF → Acculynx (ID: 33) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.435Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “Ohana FF → Acculynx” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘Ohana FF → Acculynx’,\n workflowId: ‘33’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.441Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “Ohana FF → Acculynx” “{\n workflowName: ‘Ohana FF → Acculynx’,\n workflowId: ‘33’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.441Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.441Z | info | - LevelUp Stripe Purchase → Checkout Webhook (ID: 34) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.441Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “LevelUp Stripe Purchase → Checkout Webhook” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp Stripe Purchase → Checkout Webhook’,\n workflowId: ‘34’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.445Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “LevelUp Stripe Purchase → Checkout Webhook” “{\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp Stripe Purchase → Checkout Webhook’,\n workflowId: ‘34’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.446Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.446Z | info | - My workflow 12 (ID: pkf09r6736gbrzOV) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.446Z | debug | Initializing active workflow “My workflow 12” (startup) “{\n workflowName: ‘My workflow 12’,\n workflowId: ‘pkf09r6736gbrzOV’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.450Z | verbose | Successfully started workflow “My workflow 12” “{\n workflowName: ‘My workflow 12’,\n workflowId: ‘pkf09r6736gbrzOV’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘init’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.450Z | info | => Started “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:37.450Z | verbose | Finished initializing active workflows (startup) “{ file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’, function: ‘init’ }”

Editor is now accessible via:
2023-08-14T18:55:38.244Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:38.419Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:38.683Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:38.705Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 2 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:40.067Z | debug | Add editor-UI session “{ sessionId: ‘ib34jcnd5cg’, file: ‘abstract.push.js’, function: ‘add’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:40.705Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:40.751Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:41.010Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:41.034Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 4 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:45.036Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:45.051Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:45.310Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:45.325Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 8 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:53.327Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:53.351Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:55:53.609Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:53.635Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 16 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:55:56.237Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T18:55:56.237Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing timer…
2023-08-14T18:55:56.237Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing flushTimer…
2023-08-14T18:55:56.237Z [Rudder] debug: batch size is 1
2023-08-14T18:56:08.640Z [Rudder] debug: no existing flush timer, creating new one
2023-08-14T18:56:09.637Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:56:09.728Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:56:09.986Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:56:10.011Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 32 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:56:10.918Z | debug | Add editor-UI session “{ sessionId: ‘7pxpinqd3bm’, file: ‘abstract.push.js’, function: ‘add’ }”
2023-08-14T18:56:16.443Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T18:56:16.444Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing timer…
2023-08-14T18:56:16.444Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing flushTimer…
2023-08-14T18:56:16.444Z [Rudder] debug: batch size is 1
2023-08-14T18:56:33.864Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T18:56:36.842Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T18:56:36.843Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing timer…
2023-08-14T18:56:36.843Z [Rudder] debug: queue is empty, nothing to flush
2023-08-14T18:56:42.013Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:56:42.034Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:56:42.295Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:56:42.326Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 64 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:57:33.866Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T18:57:46.329Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:57:46.362Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:57:46.626Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:57:46.659Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 128 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:58:33.867Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T18:58:42.377Z | debug | Remove editor-UI session “{\n sessionId: ‘7pxpinqd3bm’,\n file: ‘abstract.push.js’,\n function: ‘remove’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:58:42.378Z | debug | Remove editor-UI session “{\n sessionId: ‘ib34jcnd5cg’,\n file: ‘abstract.push.js’,\n function: ‘remove’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:58:48.968Z | debug | Add editor-UI session “{ sessionId: ‘7pxpinqd3bm’, file: ‘abstract.push.js’, function: ‘add’ }”
2023-08-14T18:58:50.030Z | debug | Add editor-UI session “{ sessionId: ‘ib34jcnd5cg’, file: ‘abstract.push.js’, function: ‘add’ }”
2023-08-14T18:59:06.572Z | debug | Remove editor-UI session “{\n sessionId: ‘7pxpinqd3bm’,\n file: ‘abstract.push.js’,\n function: ‘remove’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:59:14.786Z [Rudder] debug: no existing flush timer, creating new one
2023-08-14T18:59:16.783Z | debug | Add editor-UI session “{ sessionId: ‘cvf6mc169om’, file: ‘abstract.push.js’, function: ‘add’ }”
2023-08-14T18:59:33.869Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T18:59:34.786Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T18:59:34.787Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing flushTimer…
2023-08-14T18:59:34.787Z [Rudder] debug: batch size is 1
2023-08-14T18:59:54.661Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:59:54.690Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T18:59:54.950Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:59:54.985Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 256 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T18:59:55.212Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T18:59:55.213Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing timer…
2023-08-14T18:59:55.213Z [Rudder] debug: queue is empty, nothing to flush
2023-08-14T19:00:31.967Z | debug | Remove editor-UI session “{\n sessionId: ‘cvf6mc169om’,\n file: ‘abstract.push.js’,\n function: ‘remove’\n}”
2023-08-14T19:00:32.019Z [Rudder] debug: no existing flush timer, creating new one
2023-08-14T19:00:33.871Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T19:00:38.087Z | debug | Add editor-UI session “{ sessionId: ‘cvf6mc169om’, file: ‘abstract.push.js’, function: ‘add’ }”
2023-08-14T19:00:40.033Z | debug | Remove editor-UI session “{\n sessionId: ‘cvf6mc169om’,\n file: ‘abstract.push.js’,\n function: ‘remove’\n}”
2023-08-14T19:00:52.020Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T19:00:52.020Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing flushTimer…
2023-08-14T19:00:52.020Z [Rudder] debug: batch size is 1
2023-08-14T19:01:12.168Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T19:01:12.168Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing timer…
2023-08-14T19:01:12.168Z [Rudder] debug: queue is empty, nothing to flush
2023-08-14T19:01:33.872Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T19:01:36.636Z [Rudder] debug: no existing flush timer, creating new one
2023-08-14T19:01:38.957Z | debug | Add editor-UI session “{ sessionId: ‘cvf6mc169om’, file: ‘abstract.push.js’, function: ‘add’ }”
2023-08-14T19:01:44.538Z | debug | Remove editor-UI session “{\n sessionId: ‘cvf6mc169om’,\n file: ‘abstract.push.js’,\n function: ‘remove’\n}”
2023-08-14T19:01:56.637Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T19:01:56.637Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing flushTimer…
2023-08-14T19:01:56.638Z [Rudder] debug: batch size is 1
2023-08-14T19:01:56.907Z [Rudder] debug: no existing flush timer, creating new one
2023-08-14T19:02:16.908Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T19:02:16.909Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing timer…
2023-08-14T19:02:16.909Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing flushTimer…
2023-08-14T19:02:16.909Z [Rudder] debug: batch size is 1
2023-08-14T19:02:33.873Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T19:02:37.322Z [Rudder] debug: in flush
2023-08-14T19:02:37.322Z [Rudder] debug: cancelling existing timer…
2023-08-14T19:02:37.322Z [Rudder] debug: queue is empty, nothing to flush
2023-08-14T19:03:33.874Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T19:04:10.986Z | info | Try to activate workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T19:04:11.019Z | debug | Proxying request to axios “{ file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’, function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’ }”
2023-08-14T19:04:11.307Z | debug | Request proxied to Axios failed “{\n status: 400,\n file: ‘NodeExecuteFunctions.js’,\n function: ‘proxyRequestToAxios’\n}”
2023-08-14T19:04:11.342Z | info | → Activation of workflow “LevelUp New Accounts” (4) did fail with error: “Bad request - please check your parameters” | retry in 512 seconds “{\n workflowId: ‘4’,\n workflowName: ‘LevelUp New Accounts’,\n file: ‘ActiveWorkflowRunner.js’,\n function: ‘retryFunction’\n}”
2023-08-14T19:04:33.876Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T19:05:33.877Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T19:06:33.878Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T19:07:33.879Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”
2023-08-14T19:08:33.879Z | debug | Wait tracker querying database for waiting executions “{ file: ‘WaitTracker.js’, function: ‘getWaitingExecutions’ }”

Please share your workflow

“meta”: {
“instanceId”: “b89895f2979b56b7399a4ac6cf92473e6d1e233e6bc5975be040034c7f2cf1f7”
“nodes”: [
“parameters”: {
“httpMethod”: “POST”,
“path”: “acfefa7a-4582-481f-a84c-7f4168930159”,
“options”: {}
“id”: “cae9a62d-2341-4150-bc3a-199b81ed96ee”,
“name”: “Webhook”,
“type”: “n8n-nodes-base.webhook”,
“typeVersion”: 1,
“position”: [
“webhookId”: “acfefa7a-4582-481f-a84c-7f4168930159”
“connections”: {}

(Select the nodes on your canvas and use the keyboard shortcuts CMD+C/CTRL+C and CMD+V/CTRL+V to copy and paste the workflow.)

docker-compose file

version: “3.1”


Postgres Container

image: postgres:11-alpine
container_name: postgres
restart: unless-stopped
- 5432:5432
- main-network
- ./init-data.sh:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-data.sh
- ${DATA_DIR}/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data

N8N Container


image: n8nio/n8n:latest

image: n8nio/n8n:1.1.1
container_name: n8n
# Wait 5 seconds to start n8n to make sure that PostgreSQL is ready
# when n8n tries to connect to it
#command: "apt install ffmpeg; apt install youtube-dl --update-cache --repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.13/community/; apt install curl; chown -R node:node /data /home/.n8n"
restart: unless-stopped
  - "5678:5678"
  DB_TYPE: postgresdb

  # Enabling Logs

  # SMTP

  # Missing Packages Error:

  # Encryption Key

  - ${DATA_DIR}/app:/root/.n8n
  - ${DATA_DIR}/data:/data
 # - /root/.n8n/:/root/.n8n
  - main-network
  - postgres

name: main-network
driver: bridge

Share the output returned by the last node

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
    postgresql = version = 11-alpine
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

N8N Docker Container OS

NAME=“Alpine Linux”
PRETTY_NAME=“Alpine Linux v3.18”

Docker Running on OS (My Server)

NAME=“CentOS Linux”
VERSION=“7 (Core)”
ID_LIKE=“rhel fedora”
PRETTY_NAME=“CentOS Linux 7 (Core)”


Hi @Abdul_Rehman, can you try replacing WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL with WEBHOOK_URL? The old environment variable has been removed in n8n version 1:

Once you set WEBHOOK_URL=https://your.n8n.url/ you should be good again.


Thanks @MutedJam. You are right I figured it out marking it as solution so if anyone has such issue.


Amazing, glad to hear that was it and thanks for confirming :slight_smile:

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