We'd love your quote about n8n - testimonial collection ๐Ÿ“ƒ

Hi :wave:

Iโ€™m Johannes, I do product marketing here at n8n and would love your support on a little something.

Weโ€™re collecting testimonials about what users like about n8n. It would be awesome if you could participate. To do this just use this form:

:point_right: Click here to show n8n some love :point_left:

Itโ€™s literally just your quote plus some extra information. With your consent, we will use the quote on our website and other public materials. Here is a preview of the form:


PS: The team here at n8n will obviously see your responses and be happy about what you like about the product weโ€™re building. :wink:


Done, great idea! :call_me_hand:

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Done! Let me know if you need any additional info.

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Done! great initiative, thkโ€™s :slight_smile: