What is the Ideal vCPU Size & Option for hosting n8n?

I’m hosting n8n on digital ocean and im currently on the $6 dollar plan. Im using n8n mainly for building Ai agents for clients. I plan on creating different n8n accounts and hosting them on different droplets in digital ocean. The question is, which one is scalable enough for my clients in order for the ai agent to be able respond to 100-400 customers daily without crashing?

If you have any experience with this or if you know how many concurrent requests could be made to a single ai agent based on the vCPU option, it would be great, thank you.

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

This is a hard question to answer as it all depends on what the workflows are doing and when the users connect. Could your current instance handle, Given that there are 1440 minutes in a day at the peak of 400 your instance could likely handle one connection every 3 minutes but… if you are talking 400 users all connecting at once you would need a bigger instance.

We once did some internal benchmarking and a single instance with 4GB of memory using a Postgres database was able to handle just over 200 requests and reply within 100 seconds, We then set up 7 8GB instances and set it up in queue mode with 2 wbhook instances and 4 workers and that was able to handle almost 2500.

What I would recommend for you is to start with a Postgres database and increase your droplet to the $12 2GB x 1vCPU then keep an eye on the performance and from there you will have the choice of either scaling up the instance to the $18 or adding another $12 and setting up n8n to run in queue mode. By starting with Postgres you won’t need to do a database migration in the future so it would be quicker to move to queue mode if you wanted to.

Thank you for your reply, that was very insightful!

Hi Jon! this is my first time using postgres and im using digital ocean’s managed database postgres service. I was trying to set the environment variables up in the Yml file but the logs seem to say that there was an issue with the SSL and im also unable to visit the site of where im supposed to be able to access n8n.

This is what the logs say :

This is a picture of the yml file with the environment variables placed in including the certificate file from digital ocean. did i miss something? why can’t i access my self hosted n8n and why cant it connect with the postgres databse. Thank you!

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