When I use the wait node to loop the workflow, the workflow stops automatically after only one loop

When I use the wait node to loop the workflow, the workflow stops automatically after only one loop

Describe the issue/error/question

My workflow needs to wait for a result to finish executing, I asked the API interface to get the result by polling, but when I run the workflow, my polling only executes once and stops

My workflow like this

Hi @m0nit0r.evil, welcome to the community! It seems your IF node doesn’t have any end condition.

I’ve slightly modified your workflow it to call a dummy API and include an end condition. It now seems to work as expected:


Recording 2022-09-08 at 09.33.55

Hope this helps!

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Hi @MutedJam ,Thank you for your help, because of your reminder my problem was solved. The key problem with my workflow was that I had added a new arrow pointing to another process after the HTTP request and this was causing my polling to not take effect. Wish you hava a good day!!

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Awesome, glad to hear this worked out. Thanks so much for confirming :slight_smile:

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